
JUST RELEASED: download the  Messages in Motion TOOLKIT! A Step by step zine to making your own media! The 4-page spread can be copied onto an 11x 17 document or used as individual pages.

La guia tambien esta disponible en espanol. Lo puedas bajar aqui.

This is the Beta version- so all feedback and suggestions are welcome.

Affordable Equipment
Team Children Provides affordable computers to families, schools and organizations in the Philadelphia region.
Nonprofit Technology Resources Provides affordable computers and training to residents in the Philadelphia region.
The Flip Spotlight Program has since ended,  but… You can still find Flip Cameras online, and other comparable web ready affordable cameras. Look for one with an external mic input if you can!
Teaching Tools
Google MyMaps Tutorial Build multimedia content into a customized google map
50 Tools for creating Web-Based Stories Great Directory of existing free online tools for building multimedia content
Videotoolbox Free Online video editor (imovie, Windows moviemaker equivalent)
Flickr Visual Storytelling Group How to tell a story in 5 frames- a nice activity with good examples
Tools from the MIT media lab Cutting edge tools for civic engagement- several mapping and animation programs
Support local independent media outlets
Philadelphia Community Access Media Watch PhillyCAM on Comcast Cable 66/966 or Verizon FIOS 29/ 30
Media Mobilizing Project Media and movement building in Philly- Movements begin with the telling of untold Stories
WPEB 88.1 Radio station FM Community Radio in West Philly
Defenstrator Look for the newspaper and read up on local organizing and activism
Termite TV Collective Local collective of video makers who produce, distribute and facilitate the creation of experimental and activist media that challenges the status quo and provides an alternative to corporate media

Additional Readings:

Atkins, Robert, Rudolf Frieling, Boris Groys and Lev Manovich. The Art of Participation, 1950 to Now. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2008.

Avni, Ronit, Gillian Caldwell, Sam Gregory and Thomas Harding, eds. Video for Change. London: Pluto Press, 2005. Download chapters for free

Bansal,Lipika,  Paul Keller and Geert Lovink, eds., In The Shade of the Commons: Towards a Culture of Open Networks, Waag Society, 2006.

Bishop, Claire, ed. Participation. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2006.

Borrup, Tom. The Creative Community Builder’s Handbook. Saint Paul: Fieldstone Alliance, 2006.

Halleck, DeeDee. Hand-Held Visions. New York: Fordham University Press, 2002.

Lambert, Joe. Digital Storytelling Cookbook. Berkeley, Digital Diner Press, 2006. Download the introductory chapters

Nold, Christian, Ed. Emotional Cartography. Download a Low res version.

Tuters, Marc and Kazys Varnelis. “Beyond Locative Media.” Submitted 2006.


Related Projects of Interest:

Sarai: Cybermohalla

The Black Factory

The Stockyard Institute, Pedagogical Factory

Mobile Journalism Collective

Ant Farm Media Van 1972/2009 (Interview about the project with Floater magazine)

Indivisible, Stories of American Communities

Walk Philly from Termite TV



Groups and Spaces. A Web Portal for Independent Art spaces and Groups

Plausible Artworlds. Alternative Models of Creative practice

Community Arts Network. The archive of a great network dedicated to information exchange, dialogue and research of community-based art.