MIM installation on display at the Painted Bride

  Last night  the Reciprocity show opened at the Painted Bride. This show was curated by Pepon Osorio and features work by  7 artists whose projects explore   themes of give and take. I was excited to participate in this show, and it gave me an opportunity to recurate some of the existing MIM documentation and work, as well as create new videos, and finally present the ‘analog’ postcards that I created a few months back.  I selected 6 videos that I felt had particularly strong messages and I transcribed them onto the back of the postcard (where you would typically write your message). The front of the card has screen grabs from the video.  In addition to these cards, I created some blank ones which people can design and send or leave on the rack.

I selected a few videos to loop based on the theme… It was a fun process to curate such diverse material, but I think it’s actually a great representation of the MIM archive. I also had the opportunity to work with 2 students from Tyler School of Art, who are taking a community art class, to create 2 new videos based on this theme… I think they both took distinct approaches and brought some new visual ideas and reflections to the theme.

There will be a second ‘opening’ on May 4th and the show closed in early June.

Hope you can make it out, and send someone a postcard to let them know you are thinking about them! Read the full show details here.


InterROWaction by Stephanie:

Homebound Exchange by Jay: