Closer to awesome

Katya and I returned to Centro today for a very successful day. Over the weekend I saw a a series of short films by Canadian experimental filmmaker Arthur Lipsett. His work really made me think deeper about how to think distinctly about the image and sound track in order to produce new meaning. I started thinking about how to do this in the context of the workshops, how to combine their writing and the ‘image scavenger hunt’ idea to produce a personal piece that can still strongly reflect a sense of place.

So what we did was divide the group into 2 and had them do a writing exercise separate from the image exercise. One group did a free write with the prompts:
Who are you and what are you about?
How does where you live/where you are from inform who you are?

The second group went out with the cameras with the following image prompts:
Establishing shot: How do you see yourself?
CU: What do you like most about yourself
Where you are coming from?
MS: Show me something you enjoy/value about your environment?
Show me something most people would not know about your community?
Final image

We then had them record their previously written audio (making edits as they wanted) and then used it as the voiceover for the image track….

It’s still a working strategy, but I think it’s on the right track, and I’m totally excited about their videos!
Check out the map to see them all.